How to generate publically accessible URL of an image file by using Google Drive

Walk through followings:

  1. Login to your google account (create if you do not have one)

  2. Go to your “Drive” page (click “google apps” – cubic-like image on top right of page)

  3. Click “New” button on left > click “File upload”

  4. Browse to your image that you want to generate URL for and click “Open”

  5. Once your image has been uploaded, right-click your image on google Drive

  6. Click “Get shareable link”

  7. Set “Link Sharing On” in a pop-up dialog

  8. Click “Sharing settings” menu at bottom of the dialog and set your link sharing option to “On - Public on the web”. Click “save”.

  9. Copy the link. It should be like:

Now, we are going to do a MAGIC.

  1. Replace with

  2. Remove /view?usp=sharing

  3. Finally, it should be like:

  4. All done.